When you add fractions with unlike denominators you need to make them common, to do that you need to multiply the denominators by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. (anything that it can be multiplied by). When you do it to the bottom, you HAVE to do it to the top. Now you can simply do the equation. Don't forget to put your answer in lowest terms! When you add fractions with like denominators, you just need to solve the equation. NOTE; you need to put your answers in lowest terms (if it is not already) to do that you need divide it by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. (anything that it can be divided by).
When you subtract fractions with like denominators, you simply answer the equation. Remember to put it in lowest terms if it's not already. When you subtract fractions with unlike denominators you need to make them common, to do that you need to multiply the denominators by any number that it can be divided by. When you do it to the bottom, you HAVE to do it to the top. Now simply add the equation. Don't forget; you need to put it in lowest terms, if it's not already!
Now you're done!
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